Arkansas vs Missouri (Dec 31, 2003)


Scoring Summary

Scoring Summary (Final)
2003 Arkansas Razorbacks Football
Arkansas vs Missouri (Dec 31, 2003 at Shreveport, La.)

Arkansas (9-4) vs. Missouri (8-5)

Date: Dec 31, 2003 • Site: Shreveport, La.  • Stadium: Independence Stadium •  Attendance: 49625

Score by Quarters  Score 
Arkansas   3  18  3  3  27 
Missouri   7  0  7  0  14 

1st  08:50  AR   Chris Balseiro 33 yd field goal 
         12 plays, 55 yards, TOP 6:10  3 - 0 
  06:50  MU   Abron, Zack 1 yd run (Matheny, Mike kick) 
         6 plays, 66 yards, TOP 2:00  3 - 7 
2nd  13:09  AR   Chris Balseiro 28 yd field goal 
         16 plays, 88 yards, TOP 5:24  6 - 7 
  07:24  AR   Matt Jones 1 yd run (George Wilson pass from Matt Jones) 
         3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 1:11  14 - 7 
  05:59  AR   Cedric Cobbs 41 yd run (Chris Balseiro kick) 
         1 play, 41 yards, TOP 0:10  21 - 7 
3rd  05:21  AR   Chris Balseiro 25 yd field goal 
         15 plays, 83 yards, TOP 5:40  24 - 7 
  00:39  MU   Smith, Brad 5 yd run (Matheny, Mike kick) 
         12 plays, 70 yards, TOP 4:42  24 - 14 
4th  12:57  AR   Chris Balseiro 24 yd field goal 
         7 plays, 51 yards, TOP 2:42  27 - 14 

Kickoff time: 6:30 PM  • End of Game: 9:48 PM  • Total elapsed time: 3:48
Referee: Davenport, Walt •  Umpire: Huffhines, Kenn •  Linesman: McNeill, Cal  •  Line judge: Jayroe, Gary  •  Back judge: Howell, Randy  •  Field judge: West, DuVal  •  Side judge: Borill, Bryan  • 
Temperature: 57  • Wind: SE 6  • Weather: Cloudy


Team Statistics

Team Statistics (Final)
2003 Arkansas Razorbacks Football
Arkansas vs Missouri (Dec 31, 2003 at Shreveport, La.)

 Team Totals  AR  MU 
FIRST DOWNS  19  25 
   Rushing  16  14 
   Passing  10 
   Rushing Attempts  47  49 
   Average Per Rush  6.4  5.1 
   Rushing Touchdowns 
   Yards Gained Rushing  308  304 
   Yards Lost Rushing  52 
   Completions-Attempts-Int  9-18-0  17-31-2 
   Average Per Attempt  4.7  5.0 
   Average Per Completion  9.4  9.1 
   Passing Touchdowns 
   Total offense plays  65  80 
   Average Gain Per Play  5.9  5.1 
Fumbles: Number-Lost  0-0  2-1 
Penalties: Number-Yards  3-26  5-35 
PUNTS-YARDS  4-120  3-75 
   Average Yards Per Punt  30.0  25.0 
   Net Yards Per Punt  30.5  20.3 
   Inside 20 
   50+ Yards 
   Fair catch 
KICKOFFS-YARDS  7-404  3-187 
   Average Yards Per Kickoff  57.7  62.3 
   Net Yards Per Kickoff  40.6  33.3 
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD  1-14-0  1--2-0 
   Average Per Return  14.0  -2.0 
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD  3-87-0  6-120-0 
   Average Per Return  29.0  20.0 
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD  2-31-0  0-0-0 
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD  0-0-0  0-0-0 
Miscellaneous Yards 
Possession Time  30:24  29:36 
   1st Quarter  11:44  3:16 
   2nd Quarter  4:32  10:28 
   3rd Quarter  6:19  8:41 
   4th Quarter  7:49  7:11 
Third-Down Conversions  4 of 14  6 of 15 
Fourth-Down Conversions  2 of 2  2 of 6 
Red-Zone Scores-Chances  5-5  2-5 
   Touchdowns  1-5  2-5 
   Field goals  4-5  0-5 
Sacks By: Number-Yards  1-8  0-0 
PAT Kicks  1-1  2-2 
Field Goals  4-4  0-0 
Points off turnovers  11 


Individual Statistics

Individual Statistics (Final)
2003 Arkansas Razorbacks Football
Arkansas vs Missouri (Dec 31, 2003 at Shreveport, La.)

RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Cedric Cobbs   27  145  141  41  5.2 
DeCori Birmingham  10  87  85  40  8.5 
Matt Jones   74  74  24  10.6 
De'Arrius Howard  1.0 
Cedric Washington  -2  -2.0 
Totals...  47  308  300  41  6.4 
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Abron, Zack   19  137  137  42  7.2 
Smith, Brad   20  107  11  96  24  4.8 
Nash, Damien   60  60  12  6.7 
TEAM   41  -41  -41.0 
Totals...  49  304  52  252  42  5.1 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Matt Jones   6-14-0  49  16 
Ryan Sorahan   3-3-0  36  17 
Cedric Washington  0-1-0 
Totals...  9-18-0  85  17 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Smith, Brad   17-30-1  155  31 
Riccio, Santino  0-1-1 
Totals...  17-31-2  155  31 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
Richard Smith   29  16 
George Wilson   25  17 
Steven Harris   13  13 
Jason Peters   11  11 
Cedric Cobbs  
Totals...  85  17 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
Omboga, Thomson  63  15 
Coffey, Sean   68  31 
Outlaw, Darius   19  19 
James, Marcus  
Matthews, Clint 
Abron, Zack  
Droege, Rob   -9 
Totals...  17  155  31 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
Jacob Skinner   120  30.0  37 
Totals...  120  30.0  37 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
Harvey, Brock   75  37.5  42 
TEAM   0.0 
Totals...  75  25.0  42 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
Lerinezo Robinson 
Tom Crowder   22  22 
Marvin Jackson   14  14 
DeCori Birmingham  39  39 
Cedric Washington  48  25 
Totals...  14  14  87  39  31  22 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
James, Marcus   -2  96  30 
Ming, Derrick   -3 
Mitchell, Shird  27  27 
Totals...  -2  120  30 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
Cedric Cobbs   141  148 
DeCori Birmingham  85  39  124 
Matt Jones   74  74 
Cedric Washington  -2  48  46 
Richard Smith   29  29 
George Wilson   25  25 
Tom Crowder   22  22 
Marvin Jackson   14  14 
Steven Harris   13  13 
Jason Peters   11  11 
Lerinezo Robinson 
De'Arrius Howard 
Totals...  300  85  87  14  31  517 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
Abron, Zack   137  138 
James, Marcus   96  -2  103 
Smith, Brad   96  96 
Coffey, Sean   68  68 
Omboga, Thomson  63  63 
Nash, Damien   60  60 
Mitchell, Shird  27  27 
Outlaw, Darius   19  19 
Matthews, Clint 
Ming, Derrick   -3  -3 
Droege, Rob   -9  -9 
TEAM   -41  -41 
Totals...  252  155  120  -2  525 
Chris Balseiro  1st  08:50  33 yards  Good 
Chris Balseiro  2nd  13:09  28 yards  Good 
Chris Balseiro  3rd  05:21  25 yards  Good 
Chris Balseiro  4th  12:57  24 yards  Good 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
David Carlton   404  57.7 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
Matheny, Mike   187  62.3 
FUMBLES: Arkansas-None. Missouri-Ming, Derrick 1-0; TEAM 1-1.


Drive Chart

Drive Chart (Final)
2003 Arkansas Razorbacks Football
Arkansas vs Missouri (Dec 31, 2003 at Shreveport, La.)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
AR   1st  V29  15:00  Kickoff  H16  08:50  FIELD GOAL  12-55  6:10 
AR   1st  V23  06:50  Kickoff  V28  04:49     Punt  3-5  2:01    
AR   1st  V01  03:33  Punt  H11  13:09  FIELD GOAL  16-88  5:24 
AR   2nd  H03  08:35  Fumble  H00  07:24  TOUCHDOWN  3-3  1:11 
AR   2nd  H41  06:09  Punt  H00  05:59  TOUCHDOWN  1-41  0:10    
AR   2nd  V12  01:59  Downs  V15  00:39     Punt  3-3  1:20    
AR   2nd  V40  00:00  Interception  V40  15:00     End of half  0-0  0:00    
AR   3rd  V09  11:01  Interception  H08  05:21  FIELD GOAL  15-83  5:40 
AR   3rd  V43  00:39  Kickoff  H06  12:57  FIELD GOAL  7-51  2:42 
AR   4th  H35  10:11  Punt  H38  08:31     Punt  3--3  1:40    
AR   4th  V13  04:39  Downs  H43  00:33     Punt  6-44  4:06    
MU   1st  H34  08:50  Kickoff  V00  06:50  TOUCHDOWN  6-66  2:00 
MU   1st  V49  04:49  Punt  V43  03:33     Punt  3-6  1:16    
MU   2nd  H20  13:09  Kickoff  H03  08:35     Fumble  10--17  4:34    
MU   2nd  H14  07:24  Kickoff  H22  06:09     Punt  3-8  1:15    
MU   2nd  H30  05:59  Kickoff  V12  01:59     Downs  9-58  4:00 
MU   2nd  V46  00:39  Punt  V24  00:00     Interception  5-22  0:39    
MU   3rd  H31  15:00  Kickoff  V01  11:01     Interception  10-68  3:59 
MU   3rd  H30  05:21  Kickoff  V00  00:39  TOUCHDOWN  12-70  4:42 
MU   4th  H22  12:57  Kickoff  H34  10:11     Punt  7-12  2:46    
MU   4th  H01  08:31  Punt  V13  04:39     Downs  13-86  3:52 
MU   4th  H10  00:33  Punt  H24  00:00     End of half  2-14  0:33    

   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
Arkansas   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   11:44   04:32   06:19   07:49      16:16   14:08      30:24  
3rd Down Conversions   1/4   1/4   1/2   1/4      2/8   2/6      4/14  
Average field position  V17   H44   V26   V39      V36   V32      V35  
4th Down Conversions   1/1   1/1   0/0   0/0      2/2   0/0      2/2  
   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
Missouri   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   03:16   10:28   08:41   07:11      13:44   15:52      29:36  
3rd Down Conversions   0/1   2/6   3/4   1/4      2/7   4/8      6/15  
Average field position  H42   H29   H30   H11      H33   H18      H27  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   1/3   0/1   1/2      1/3   1/3      2/6  

Drive Chart (By Quarter)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
AR   1st  V29  15:00  Kickoff  H16  08:50  FIELD GOAL  12-55  6:10 
MU   1st  H34  08:50  Kickoff  V00  06:50  TOUCHDOWN  6-66  2:00 
AR   1st  V23  06:50  Kickoff  V28  04:49     Punt  3-5  2:01    
MU   1st  V49  04:49  Punt  V43  03:33     Punt  3-6  1:16    
AR   1st  V01  03:33  Punt  H11  13:09  FIELD GOAL  16-88  5:24 
MU   2nd  H20  13:09  Kickoff  H03  08:35     Fumble  10--17  4:34    
AR   2nd  H03  08:35  Fumble  H00  07:24  TOUCHDOWN  3-3  1:11 
MU   2nd  H14  07:24  Kickoff  H22  06:09     Punt  3-8  1:15    
AR   2nd  H41  06:09  Punt  H00  05:59  TOUCHDOWN  1-41  0:10    
MU   2nd  H30  05:59  Kickoff  V12  01:59     Downs  9-58  4:00 
AR   2nd  V12  01:59  Downs  V15  00:39     Punt  3-3  1:20    
MU   2nd  V46  00:39  Punt  V24  00:00     Interception  5-22  0:39    
AR   2nd  V40  00:00  Interception  V40  15:00     End of half  0-0  0:00    
MU   3rd  H31  15:00  Kickoff  V01  11:01     Interception  10-68  3:59 
AR   3rd  V09  11:01  Interception  H08  05:21  FIELD GOAL  15-83  5:40 
MU   3rd  H30  05:21  Kickoff  V00  00:39  TOUCHDOWN  12-70  4:42 
AR   3rd  V43  00:39  Kickoff  H06  12:57  FIELD GOAL  7-51  2:42 
MU   4th  H22  12:57  Kickoff  H34  10:11     Punt  7-12  2:46    
AR   4th  H35  10:11  Punt  H38  08:31     Punt  3--3  1:40    
MU   4th  H01  08:31  Punt  V13  04:39     Downs  13-86  3:52 
AR   4th  V13  04:39  Downs  H43  00:33     Punt  6-44  4:06    
MU   4th  H10  00:33  Punt  H24  00:00     End of half  2-14  0:33    


Defensive Statistics

Defensive Statistics (Final)
2003 Arkansas Razorbacks Football
Arkansas vs Missouri (Dec 31, 2003 at Shreveport, La.)

##  Arkansas   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
43  Caleb Miller   10  16  1.0/3   .   .   .  
14  Jimmy Beasley   .   .   .   .  
99  Keith Jackson Jr.  .   .   .   .  
8A  Ahmad Carroll   1.0/8   .   .   1.0/8  
22  Tony Bua   .   .   .   .  
1   Lawrence Richardson  .   .   .   .  
46  Clarke Moore   .   .   .   .  
3   Marvin Jackson   .   .   .   .  
30  Eddie Jackson   .   .   .   .  
97  Jeremy Harrell   .   .   .   .  
15  Jeb Huckeba   .   .   .   .  
21  Lerinezo Robinson  .   .   1-9   .  
92  Arrion Dixon   .   .   .   .  
24  Sam Olajubutu   .   .   .   .  
90  Justin Scott   .   .   .   .  
17  Marcus Whitmore  .   .   .   .  
11  Wes Murphy   .   .   .   .  
27  Pierre Brown   .   .   .   .  
25  Bo Mosley   .   1-0   .   .  
31  Vickiel Vaughn   .   .   .   .  
38  Tom Crowder   .   .   1-22  .  
98  Elliott Harris   .   .   .   .  
49  David Carlton   .   .   .   .  
5   John Jackson   .   .   .   .  
8   Richard Smith   .   .   .   .  
##  Missouri   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
18  Curry, Terrence  1.0/2   .   .   .  
6   Simpson, Jason   .   .   .   .  
21  Barnes, Brandon  .   .   .   .  
24  Kinney, James   1.0/2   .   .   .  
73  Bell, Russ   .   .   .   .  
48  Jackson, Xzavie  .   .   .   .  
99  Mosley, C.J.   1.0/1   .   .   .  
17  Washington, Cal  .   .   .   .  
22  Williams, Nino   .   .   .   .  
46  Sweat, Henry   .   .   .   .  
96  Ville, Zach   0.5/1   .   .   .  
31  Wade, Quincy   .   .   .   .  
33  Harrington, Ded  0.5/1   .   .   .  
97  Ellison,Atiyyah  1.0/1   .   .   .  
26  Harden, Michael  .   .   .   .  
39  Smith, Brian   .   .   .   .  
8   Overstreet,Davi  .   .   .   .  
7   Kincade, A.J.   .   .   .   .  
15  Bacon, Marcus   .   .   .   .  
11  Viehmann, Beau   .   .   .   .  
45  Mitchell, Shird  .   .   .   .  
89  Mccoy, J. D.   .   .   .   .  
2E  Edwards, Ryan   .   .   .   .  


Participation Report

Participation Report (Final)
2003 Arkansas Razorbacks Football
Arkansas vs Missouri (Dec 31, 2003 at Shreveport, La.)

Pos  ##  Offense 
LT   75  Bo Lacy  
FL   8   Richard Smith  
SE   88  George Wilson  
TE   86  Jared Hicks  
C   65  Dan Doughty  
RT   69  Zac Tubbs  
QB   10  Ryan Sorahan  
LG   50  Jerry Reith  
TE   80  Jason Peters  
TB   4   Cedric Cobbs  
RG   71  Mark Bokermann  
Pos  ##  Defense 
BE   90  Justin Scott  
DT   92  Arrion Dixon  
NG   60  Scott Davenport 
E   15  Jeb Huckeba  
SLB   43  Caleb Miller  
MLB   24  Sam Olajubutu  
WLB   22  Tony Bua  
FC   1   L. Richardson  
SS   14  Jimmy Beasley  
BC   8A  Ahmad Carroll  
FS   21  L. Robinson  
Pos  ##  Offense 
  76  Droege, Rob  
  3   Outlaw, Darius  
  16  Smith, Brad  
  86  Ekwerekwu, Brad 
  12  Coffey, Sean  
  89  Mccoy, J. D.  
  78  Paffrath Scott  
  58  Young, Cliff  
  38  Abron, Zack  
  52  Palmer, Tony  
  70  Ricker, A. J.  
Pos  ##  Defense 
  26  Harden, Michael 
  33  Harrington, Ded 
  73  Bell, Russ  
  96  Ville, Zach  
  26  Harden, Michael 
  21  Barnes, Brandon 
  48  Jackson, Xzavie 
  24  Kinney, James  
  40  Ming, Derrick  
  18  Curry, Terrence 
  99  Mosley, C.J.  

Arkansas: 3-Marvin Jackson, 5-John Jackson, 6-Carlos Ousley, 9-Matt Jones, 11-Wes Murphy, 13-Dowell Loggains, 16-C. Washington, 17-Marcus Whitmore, 19-Michael Coe, 23-Desmond Sims, 25-Bo Mosley, 26-D. Howard, 27-Pierre Brown, 28-Chris Baker, 29-Kyle Dickerson, 30-Eddie Jackson, 31-Vickiel Vaughn, 32-D. Birmingham, 37-M. Robinson, 38-Tom Crowder, 41-B. O'Donohoe, 42-J. Slaughter, 46-Clarke Moore, 47-Brandon Kennedy, 48-Jacob Skinner, 49-David Carlton, 51-Brett Goode, 52-Garrett Lewis, 55-Chris Balseiro, 57-Darren Rogers, 66-Tony Ugoh, 70-Kyle Roper, 84-Steven Harris, 85-Caleb Ceaser, 91-Titus Peebles, 97-Jeremy Harrell, 98-Elliott Harris, 99-Keith Jackson.

Missouri: 1-James, Marcus, 2E-Edwards, Ryan, 2-Nash, Damien, 6-Simpson, Jason, 7-Kincade, A.J., 8-Overstreet,Davi, 11-Viehmann, Beau, 13-Harvey, Brock, 15-Bacon, Marcus, 17-Washington, Cal, 19-Riccio, Santino, 22-Williams, Nino, 31-Wade, Quincy, 34-Matheny, Mike, 39-Smith, Brian, 45-Mitchell, Shird, 46-Sweat, Henry, 87-Omboga, Thomson, 97-Ellison,Atiyyah, 98-Matthews, Clint.


Box Score

Box Score (Final)
Arkansas vs Missouri (Dec 31, 2003 at Shreveport, La.)

Score by Quarters     1  2  3  4   Score
-----------------    -- -- -- --   -----
Arkansas............  3 18  3  3  - 27       Record: (9-4)
Missouri............  7  0  7  0  - 14       Record: (8-5)

Scoring Summary:
1st 08:50 AR - Chris Balseiro 33 yd field goal, 12-55 6:10, AR 3 - MU 0
    06:50 MU - Abron, Zack 1 yd run (Matheny, Mike kick), 6-66 2:00, AR 3 - MU 7
2nd 13:09 AR - Chris Balseiro 28 yd field goal, 16-88 5:24, AR 6 - MU 7
    07:24 AR - Matt Jones 1 yd run (George Wilson pass from Matt Jones), 3-3 1:11, AR 14 - MU 7
    05:59 AR - Cedric Cobbs 41 yd run (Chris Balseiro kick), 1-41 0:10, AR 21 - MU 7
3rd 05:21 AR - Chris Balseiro 25 yd field goal, 15-83 5:40, AR 24 - MU 7
    00:39 MU - Smith, Brad 5 yd run (Matheny, Mike kick), 12-70 4:42, AR 24 - MU 14
4th 12:57 AR - Chris Balseiro 24 yd field goal, 7-51 2:42, AR 27 - MU 14

                                     AR       MU
FIRST DOWNS...................       19       25
RUSHES-YARDS (NET)............   47-300   49-252
PASSING YDS (NET).............       85      155
Passes Att-Comp-Int...........   18-9-0  31-17-2
TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS.....   65-385   80-407
Fumble Returns-Yards..........      0-0      0-0
Punt Returns-Yards............     1-14     1--2
Kickoff Returns-Yards.........     3-87    6-120
Interception Returns-Yards....     2-31      0-0
Punts (Number-Avg)............   4-30.0   3-25.0
Fumbles-Lost..................      0-0      2-1
Penalties-Yards...............     3-26     5-35
Possession Time...............    30:24    29:36
Third-Down Conversions........  4 of 14  6 of 15
Fourth-Down Conversions.......   2 of 2   2 of 6
Red-Zone Scores-Chances.......      5-5      2-5
Sacks By: Number-Yards........      1-8      0-0

RUSHING: Arkansas-Cedric Cobbs 27-141; DeCori Birmingham 10-85; Matt
Jones 7-74; De'Arrius Howard 2-2; Cedric Washington 1-minus 2. Missouri-Abron,
Zack 19-137; Smith, Brad 20-96; Nash, Damien 9-60; TEAM 1-minus 41.

PASSING: Arkansas-Matt Jones 6-14-0-49; Ryan Sorahan 3-3-0-36; Cedric
Washington 0-1-0-0. Missouri-Smith, Brad 17-30-1-155; Riccio, Santino 0-1-1-0.

RECEIVING: Arkansas-Richard Smith 3-29; George Wilson 3-25; Steven Harris
1-13; Jason Peters 1-11; Cedric Cobbs 1-7. Missouri-Omboga, Thomson 8-63;
Coffey, Sean 4-68; Outlaw, Darius 1-19; James, Marcus 1-9; Matthews, Clint 1-4;
Abron, Zack 1-1; Droege, Rob 1-minus 9.

INTERCEPTIONS: Arkansas-Tom Crowder 1-22; Lerinezo Robinson 1-9.

FUMBLES: Arkansas-None. Missouri-TEAM 1-1; Ming, Derrick 1-0.

Stadium: Independence Stadium  Attendance: 49625
Kickoff time: 6:30 PM   End of Game: 9:48 PM   Total elapsed time: 3:48
Officials: Referee: Davenport, Walt; Umpire: Huffhines, Kenn; Linesman: McNeill, Cal;
Line judge: Jayroe, Gary; Back judge: Howell, Randy; Field judge: West, DuVal;
Side judge: Borill, Bryan;
Temperature: 57        Wind: SE 6      Weather: Cloudy

Arkansas vs Missouri (Dec 31, 2003 at Shreveport, La.) SACKS (UA-A): Arkansas-Ahmad Carroll 1-0. Missouri-None. TACKLES (UA-A): Arkansas-Caleb Miller 10-6; Jimmy Beasley 5-2; Keith Jackson Jr. 2-5; Ahmad Carroll 4-1; Tony Bua 3-2; Lawrence Richardson 2-3; Clarke Moore 4-0; Marvin Jackson 3-1; Jeb Huckeba 2-2; Eddie Jackson 2-2; Jeremy Harrell 2-2; Lerinezo Robinson 1-2; Arrion Dixon 1-1; Justin Scott 0-2; Marcus Whitmore 0-2; Sam Olajubutu 0-2; Pierre Brown 1-0; Bo Mosley 1-0; Wes Murphy 1-0; Vickiel Vaughn 0-1; David Carlton 0-1; Elliott Harris 0-1; John Jackson 0-1; Tom Crowder 0-1. Missouri-Curry, Terrence 7-2; Simpson, Jason 4-4; Barnes, Brandon 3-5; Kinney, James 2-4; Bell, Russ 2-3; Jackson, Xzavie 1-4; Mosley, C.J. 3-1; Washington, Cal 2-2; Williams, Nino 1-3; Sweat, Henry 2-1; Ville, Zach 1-2; Smith, Brian 1-1; Overstreet,Davi 1-1; Wade, Quincy 1-1; Ellison,Atiyyah 1-1; Harden, Michael 1-1; Harrington, Ded 1-1; Kincade, A.J. 0-2; Viehmann, Beau 1-0; Mccoy, J. D. 1-0; Bacon, Marcus 1-0; Mitchell, Shird 1-0; Edwards, Ryan 0-1. Game Starters: Arkansas POS ## OFFENSE LT 75 Bo Lacy FL 8 Richard Smith SE 88 George Wilson TE 86 Jared Hicks C 65 Dan Doughty RT 69 Zac Tubbs QB 10 Ryan Sorahan LG 50 Jerry Reith TE 80 Jason Peters TB 4 Cedric Cobbs RG 71 Mark Bokermann POS ## DEFENSE BE 90 Justin Scott DT 92 Arrion Dixon NG 60 Scott Davenport E 15 Jeb Huckeba SLB 43 Caleb Miller MLB 24 Sam Olajubutu WLB 22 Tony Bua FC 1 L. Richardson SS 14 Jimmy Beasley BC 8A Ahmad Carroll FS 21 L. Robinson Missouri POS ## OFFENSE 76 Droege, Rob 3 Outlaw, Darius 16 Smith, Brad 86 Ekwerekwu, Brad 12 Coffey, Sean 89 Mccoy, J. D. 78 Paffrath Scott 58 Young, Cliff 38 Abron, Zack 52 Palmer, Tony 70 Ricker, A. J. POS ## DEFENSE 26 Harden, Michael 33 Harrington, Ded 73 Bell, Russ 96 Ville, Zach 26 Harden, Michael 21 Barnes, Brandon 48 Jackson, Xzavie 24 Kinney, James 40 Ming, Derrick 18 Curry, Terrence 99 Mosley, C.J. Player participation: Arkansas: 3-Marvin Jackson, 5-John Jackson, 6-Carlos Ousley, 9-Matt Jones, 11-Wes Murphy, 13-Dowell Loggains, 16-C. Washington, 17-Marcus Whitmore, 19-Michael Coe, 23-Desmond Sims, 25-Bo Mosley, 26-D. Howard, 27-Pierre Brown, 28-Chris Baker, 29-Kyle Dickerson, 30-Eddie Jackson, 31-Vickiel Vaughn, 32-D. Birmingham, 37-M. Robinson, 38-Tom Crowder, 41-B. O'Donohoe, 42-J. Slaughter, 46-Clarke Moore, 47-Brandon Kennedy, 48-Jacob Skinner, 49-David Carlton, 51-Brett Goode, 52-Garrett Lewis, 55-Chris Balseiro, 57-Darren Rogers, 66-Tony Ugoh, 70-Kyle Roper, 84-Steven Harris, 85-Caleb Ceaser, 91-Titus Peebles, 97-Jeremy Harrell, 98-Elliott Harris, 99-Keith Jackson. Missouri: 1-James, Marcus, 2-Nash, Damien, 2E-Edwards, Ryan, 6-Simpson, Jason, 7-Kincade, A.J., 8-Overstreet,Davi, 11-Viehmann, Beau, 13-Harvey, Brock, 15-Bacon, Marcus, 17-Washington, Cal, 19-Riccio, Santino, 22-Williams, Nino, 31-Wade, Quincy, 34-Matheny, Mike, 39-Smith, Brian, 45-Mitchell, Shird, 46-Sweat, Henry, 87-Omboga, Thomson, 97-Ellison,Atiyyah, 98-Matthews, Clint.


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
2003 Arkansas Razorbacks Football
Arkansas vs Missouri (Dec 31, 2003 at Shreveport, La.)

1st Quarter

2003 MainStay Independence Bowl
Arkansas wins toss will receive. Missouri will kick defend south goal
Ar 1-10at Ar35MU ball on MU35.
Matheny, Mike kickoff 61 yards to the AR4, C. Washington return 25 yards to the AR29 (Kincade, A.J.;Edwards, Ryan).
Ar 1-10at Ar29Ryan Sorahan PL pass complete to George Wilson for 17 yards to the AR46, 1ST DOWN AR, out-of-bounds.
Ar 1-10at Ar46Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for 9 yards to the MU45 (Curry, Terrence).
Ar 2-1at Mu45Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for no gain to the MU45 (Kinney, James;Jackson, Xzavie).
Ar 3-1at Mu45Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for 8 yards to the MU37, 1ST DOWN AR (Curry, Terrence;Barnes, Brandon).
Ar 1-10at Mu37C. Washington rush reverse for loss of 2 yards to the MU39 (Curry, Terrence).
Ar 2-12at Mu39Timeout Arkansas, clock 12:35.
Ar 2-12at Mu39Ryan Sorahan middle pass complete to Jason Peters for 11 yards to the MU28 (Smith, Brian).
Ar 3-1at Mu28Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for no gain to the MU28 (Barnes, Brandon;Simpson, Jason).
Ar 4-1at Mu28Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for 5 yards to the MU23, 1ST DOWN AR (Jackson, Xzavie;Williams, Nino).
Ar 1-10at Mu23Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for loss of 1 yard to the MU24 (Ellison,Atiyyah).
Ar 2-11at Mu24Ryan Sorahan PR pass complete to Richard Smith for 8 yards to the MU16 (Harden, Michael).
Ar 3-3at Mu16Timeout Arkansas, clock 09:32.
Ar 3-3at Mu16Cedric Cobbs rush right for no gain to the MU16 (Kinney, James;Ville, Zach).
Ar 4-3at Mu16Chris Balseiro field goal attempt from 33 GOOD, clock 08:50.
Arkansas 3, Missouri 0
Drive: 12 plays, 55 yards, TOP 06:10
David Carlton kickoff 61 yards to the MU4, James, Marcus return 30 yards to the MU34 (Marcus Whitmore;David Carlton).
Mu 1-10at Mu34MISSOURI drive start at 08:50.
Mu 1-10at Mu34Abron, Zack rush PL for no gain to the MU34 (Caleb Miller).
Mu 2-10at Mu34Smith, Brad PR pass complete to Coffey, Sean for 12 yards to the MU46, 1ST DOWN MU.
Mu 1-10at Mu46Abron, Zack rush up middle for 42 yards to the AR12, 1ST DOWN MU (L. Richardson).
Mu 1-10at Ar12Nash, Damien rush up middle for 7 yards to the AR5 (Caleb Miller;L. Robinson).
Mu 2-3at Ar05Nash, Damien rush up middle for 4 yards to the AR1, 1ST DOWN MU (Sam Olajubutu;L. Richardson).
Mu 1-Gat Ar01Abron, Zack rush right for 1 yard to the AR0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:50.
Matheny, Mike kick attempt good, PENALTY AR offside declined.
Missouri 7, Arkansas 3
Drive: 6 plays, 66 yards, TOP 02:00
Matheny, Mike kickoff 65 yards to the AR0, C. Washington return 23 yards to the AR23 (Curry, Terrence;Harden, Michael).
Ar 1-10at Ar23ARKANSAS drive start at 06:50.
Ar 1-10at Ar23Matt Jones PR pass complete to George Wilson for 6 yards to the AR29 (Curry, Terrence).
Ar 2-4at Ar29Matt Jones PL pass incomplete to Steven Harris.
Ar 3-4at Ar29Matt Jones rush SC for no gain to the AR29 (Smith, Brian), PENALTY AR holding (Zac Tubbs) 10 yards to the AR19, NO PLAY.
Ar 3-14at Ar193rd and 14.
Ar 3-14at Ar19Matt Jones rush SC for 9 yards to the AR28 (Curry, Terrence).
Ar 4-5at Ar28Jacob Skinner punt 21 yards to the AR49, downed.
Drive: 3 plays, 5 yards, TOP 02:01
Mu 1-10at Ar49MISSOURI drive start at 04:49.
Mu 1-10at Ar49Smith, Brad PL pass incomplete to Outlaw, Darius.
Mu 2-10at Ar49Abron, Zack rush right for 6 yards to the AR43 (Arrion Dixon;Tony Bua).
Mu 3-4at Ar43Smith, Brad rush up middle for no gain to the AR43 (Jeb Huckeba;Caleb Miller).
Mu 4-4at Ar43Harvey, Brock punt 42 yards to the AR1, downed.
Drive: 3 plays, 6 yards, TOP 01:16
Ar 1-10at Ar01ARKANSAS drive start at 03:33.
Ar 1-10at Ar01Matt Jones PR pass complete to Richard Smith for 16 yards to the AR17, 1ST DOWN AR, out-of-bounds.
Ar 1-10at Ar17Cedric Cobbs rush right for 9 yards to the AR26 (Kincade, A.J.;Williams, Nino).
Ar 2-1at Ar26Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for 8 yards to the AR34, 1ST DOWN AR (Overstreet,Davi;Jackson, Xzavie).
Ar 1-10at Ar34Cedric Cobbs rush left for 7 yards to the AR41 (Overstreet,Davi).
Ar 2-3at Ar41D. Birmingham rush right for 5 yards to the AR46, 1ST DOWN AR (Kinney, James).
Ar 1-10at Ar46Matt Jones middle pass complete to Steven Harris for 13 yards to the MU41, 1ST DOWN AR (Williams, Nino).
Ar 1-10at Mu41Matt Jones PL pass incomplete.
Ar 2-10at Mu41D. Birmingham rush right for 13 yards to the MU28, 1ST DOWN AR (Simpson, Jason).
Ar 1-10at Mu28Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for 6 yards to the MU22 (Bell, Russ;Washington, Cal).
Drive: 9 plays, 77 yards, TOP 05:24
Missouri 7, Arkansas 3
2nd Quarter

Ar 2-4at Mu22Start of 2nd quarter, clock 15:00.
Ar 2-4at Mu22Matt Jones middle pass incomplete to Steven Harris.
Ar 3-4at Mu22D. Birmingham rush up middle for 2 yards to the MU20 (Barnes, Brandon;Washington, Cal).
Ar 4-2at Mu20D. Birmingham rush PL for 5 yards to the MU15, 1ST DOWN AR, out-of-bounds (Bell, Russ).
Ar 1-10at Mu15Cedric Cobbs rush left for 4 yards to the MU11 (Simpson, Jason).
Ar 2-6at Mu11Matt Jones PL pass incomplete to George Wilson (Kincade, A.J.).
Ar 3-6at Mu11Matt Jones PR pass incomplete to Jason Peters.
Ar 4-6at Mu11Chris Balseiro field goal attempt from 28 GOOD, clock 13:09.
Missouri 7, Arkansas 6
Drive: 16 plays, 88 yards, TOP 05:24
David Carlton kickoff 65 yards to the MU0, touchback.
Mu 1-10at Mu20MISSOURI drive start at 13:09.
Mu 1-10at Mu20Smith, Brad PR pass incomplete to Coffey, Sean.
Mu 2-10at Mu20Smith, Brad PL pass complete to James, Marcus for 9 yards to the MU29 (Marvin Jackson).
Mu 3-1at Mu29Smith, Brad rush quarterback sneak for 2 yards to the MU31, 1ST DOWN MU (Jeremy Harrell).
Mu 1-10at Mu31PENALTY MU illegal procedure (Omboga, Thomson) 5 yards to the MU26.
Mu 1-15at Mu26Nash, Damien rush left for 4 yards to the MU30 (Keith Jackson).
Mu 2-11at Mu30Nash, Damien rush right for 5 yards to the MU35 (Keith Jackson;Jimmy Beasley).
Mu 3-6at Mu35Smith, Brad middle pass complete to Coffey, Sean for 15 yards to the 50 yardline, 1ST DOWN MU (Tony Bua).
Mu 1-10at Mu50Nash, Damien rush up middle for 2 yards to the AR48 (Eddie Jackson;Jimmy Beasley).
Mu 2-8at Ar48Smith, Brad PR pass complete to Omboga, Thomson for no gain to the AR48 (Eddie Jackson).
Mu 3-8at Ar48Smith, Brad sacked for loss of 8 yards to the MU44 (Richard Smith).
Mu 4-16at Mu44TEAM rush for loss of 41 yards to the MU3, fumble by TEAM recovered by AR Bo Mosley at MU3.
Drive: 10 plays, minus 17 yards, TOP 04:34
Ar 1-Gat Mu03ARKANSAS drive start at 08:35.
Ar 1-Gat Mu03D. Howard rush up middle for 2 yards to the MU1 (Kinney, James;Barnes, Brandon).
Ar 2-Gat Mu01D. Howard rush up middle for no gain to the MU1 (Mosley, C.J.).
Ar 3-Gat Mu01Matt Jones rush right for 1 yard to the MU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 07:24.
Matt Jones pass attempt to George Wilson good.
Arkansas 14, Missouri 7
Drive: 3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 01:11
David Carlton kickoff 65 yards to the MU0, James, Marcus return 24 yards to the MU24, PENALTY MU holding 10 yards to the MU14, 1st and 10, MU ball on MU14.
Mu 1-10at Mu14MISSOURI drive start at 07:24.
Mu 1-10at Mu14Smith, Brad PR pass complete to Abron, Zack for 1 yard to the MU15 (Jeb Huckeba;Caleb Miller).
Mu 2-9at Mu15Smith, Brad rush SC for 7 yards to the MU22, out-of-bounds (Caleb Miller).
Mu 3-2at Mu22Smith, Brad PL pass incomplete to James, Marcus (Richard Smith).
Mu 4-2at Mu22Harvey, Brock punt 33 yards to the AR45, Marvin Jackson return 14 yards to the MU41 (Bacon, Marcus).
Drive: 3 plays, 8 yards, TOP 01:15
Ar 1-10at Mu41ARKANSAS drive start at 06:09.
Ar 1-10at Mu41Cedric Cobbs rush left for 41 yards to the MU0, 1ST DOWN AR, TOUCHDOWN, clock 05:59.
Chris Balseiro kick attempt good.
Arkansas 21, Missouri 7
Drive: 1 plays, 41 yards, TOP 00:10
David Carlton kickoff 53 yards to the MU12, James, Marcus return 18 yards to the MU30 (Marcus Whitmore;Vickiel Vaughn).
Mu 1-10at Mu30MISSOURI drive start at 05:59.
Mu 1-10at Mu30Smith, Brad rush quarterback draw for 9 yards to the MU39 (Clarke Moore).
Mu 2-1at Mu39Smith, Brad rush up middle for loss of 3 yards to the MU36 (Caleb Miller).
Mu 3-4at Mu36Smith, Brad PL pass incomplete to Outlaw, Darius, PENALTY AR pass interference (Richard Smith) 11 yards to the MU47, 1ST DOWN MU, NO PLAY.
Mu 1-10at Mu47Smith, Brad middle pass complete to Outlaw, Darius for 19 yards to the AR34, 1ST DOWN MU (Jimmy Beasley).
Mu 1-10at Ar34Abron, Zack rush right for 8 yards to the AR26 (Caleb Miller;L. Richardson).
Mu 2-2at Ar26Smith, Brad PR pass complete to Omboga, Thomson for 5 yards to the AR21, 1ST DOWN MU, out-of-bounds (Wes Murphy).
Mu 1-10at Ar21Smith, Brad PL pass complete to Matthews, Clint for 4 yards to the AR17 (L. Robinson;Richard Smith).
Mu 2-6at Ar17Abron, Zack rush up middle for 5 yards to the AR12 (L. Robinson).
Mu 3-1at Ar12Abron, Zack rush up middle for no gain to the AR12 (Elliott Harris;Keith Jackson).
Mu 4-1at Ar12Abron, Zack rush PR for no gain to the AR12 (Keith Jackson;Jeremy Harrell).
Drive: 9 plays, 58 yards, TOP 04:00
Ar 1-10at Ar12ARKANSAS drive start at 01:59.
Ar 1-10at Ar12Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for 3 yards to the AR15 (Jackson, Xzavie;Ellison,Atiyyah).
Ar 2-7at Ar15Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for no gain to the AR15 (Sweat, Henry).
Ar 3-7at Ar15Timeout Missouri, clock 01:00.
Ar 3-7at Ar15Matt Jones rush up middle for no gain to the AR15 (Barnes, Brandon).
Ar 4-7at Ar15Timeout Missouri, clock 00:50.
Ar 4-7at Ar15Jacob Skinner punt 31 yards to the AR46, downed.
Drive: 3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 01:20
Mu 1-10at Ar46MISSOURI drive start at 00:39.
Mu 1-10at Ar46Smith, Brad PL pass complete to Omboga, Thomson for 3 yards to the AR43 (Clarke Moore).
Mu 2-7at Ar43Smith, Brad middle pass complete to Omboga, Thomson for 4 yards to the AR39 (Clarke Moore).
Mu 3-3at Ar39Timeout Missouri, clock 00:15.
Mu 3-3at Ar39Smith, Brad PR pass incomplete to Outlaw, Darius (Tony Bua).
Mu 4-3at Ar39Smith, Brad PR pass complete to Omboga, Thomson for 15 yards to the AR24, 1ST DOWN MU, out-of-bounds.
Mu 1-10at Ar24Riccio, Santino pass intercepted by Tom Crowder at the AR18, Tom Crowder return 22 yards to the AR40 (Mccoy, J. D.).
Drive: 5 plays, 22 yards, TOP 00:39
Ar 1-10at Ar40ARKANSAS drive start at 00:00.
Ar 1-10at Ar40End of half, clock 00:00.
Arkansas 21, Missouri 7
3rd Quarter

Ar 1-10at Ar40Start of 3rd quarter, clock 15:00, AR ball on AR35.
Arkansas will kick off and defend the south goal.
David Carlton kickoff 61 yards to the MU4, Mitchell, Shird return 27 yards to the MU31 (Marvin Jackson).
Mu 1-10at Mu31MISSOURI drive start at 15:00.
Mu 1-10at Mu31Abron, Zack rush right for 7 yards to the MU38, out-of-bounds (Tony Bua).
Mu 2-3at Mu38Smith, Brad rush up middle for 20 yards to the AR42, 1ST DOWN MU (Caleb Miller).
Mu 1-10at Ar42Smith, Brad rush SC for no gain to the AR42 (Jeb Huckeba).
Mu 2-10at Ar42Abron, Zack rush left for 19 yards to the AR23, 1ST DOWN MU (Jimmy Beasley).
Mu 1-10at Ar23Smith, Brad rush right for 6 yards to the AR17 (Eddie Jackson).
Mu 2-4at Ar17Nash, Damien rush left for 11 yards to the AR6, 1ST DOWN MU (Richard Smith).
Mu 1-Gat Ar06Abron, Zack rush up middle for 1 yard to the AR5 (Caleb Miller).
Mu 2-Gat Ar05Smith, Brad middle pass incomplete to Matthews, Clint.
Mu 3-Gat Ar05Smith, Brad rush left for 4 yards to the AR1 (Jeremy Harrell;Marvin Jackson).
Mu 4-Gat Ar01Smith, Brad pass intercepted by L. Robinson at the AR0, L. Robinson return 9 yards to the AR9 (Viehmann, Beau).
Drive: 10 plays, 68 yards, TOP 03:59
Ar 1-10at Ar09ARKANSAS drive start at 11:01.
Ar 1-10at Ar09Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for 6 yards to the AR15 (Jackson, Xzavie).
Ar 2-4at Ar15D. Birmingham rush left for 6 yards to the AR21, 1ST DOWN AR (Curry, Terrence).
Ar 1-10at Ar21Matt Jones rush right for 19 yards to the AR40, 1ST DOWN AR (Washington, Cal).
Ar 1-10at Ar40Cedric Cobbs rush right for loss of 1 yard to the AR39 (Mosley, C.J.).
Ar 2-11at Ar39Matt Jones rush SC for 15 yards to the MU46, 1ST DOWN AR, out-of-bounds (Ville, Zach).
Ar 1-10at Mu46Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for 4 yards to the MU42 (Curry, Terrence).
Ar 2-6at Mu42Matt Jones SH pass complete to Richard Smith for 5 yards to the MU37, out-of-bounds (Sweat, Henry).
Ar 3-1at Mu37Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for 3 yards to the MU34, 1ST DOWN AR (Kinney, James;Williams, Nino).
Ar 1-10at Mu34Matt Jones screen pass complete to Cedric Cobbs for 7 yards to the MU27 (Sweat, Henry;Wade, Quincy).
Ar 2-3at Mu27Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for 5 yards to the MU22, 1ST DOWN AR (Bell, Russ).
Ar 1-10at Mu22D. Birmingham rush left for 14 yards to the MU8, 1ST DOWN AR, out-of-bounds (Washington, Cal).
Ar 1-Gat Mu08Matt Jones PL pass complete to George Wilson for 2 yards to the MU6, out-of-bounds (Curry, Terrence).
Ar 2-Gat Mu06D. Birmingham rush left for loss of 2 yards to the MU8, out-of-bounds (Kinney, James).
Ar 3-Gat Mu08Matt Jones PL pass incomplete to George Wilson (Curry, Terrence).
Ar 4-Gat Mu08Chris Balseiro field goal attempt from 25 GOOD, clock 05:21.
Arkansas 24, Missouri 7
Drive: 15 plays, 83 yards, TOP 05:40
David Carlton kickoff 59 yards to the MU6, James, Marcus return 24 yards to the MU30 (L. Richardson;Tom Crowder).
Mu 1-10at Mu30MISSOURI drive start at 05:21.
Mu 1-10at Mu30Nash, Damien rush left for 3 yards to the MU33 (Justin Scott;Sam Olajubutu).
Mu 2-7at Mu33Smith, Brad rush up middle for 7 yards to the MU40 (Jeb Huckeba), PENALTY MU holding (Ricker, A. J.) 10 yards to the MU23, NO PLAY.
Mu 2-17at Mu23Smith, Brad rush SGL for 4 yards to the MU27, out-of-bounds (Bo Mosley).
Mu 3-13at Mu27Smith, Brad SG pass complete to Omboga, Thomson for 13 yards to the MU40, 1ST DOWN MU (Pierre Brown).
Mu 1-10at Mu40Smith, Brad SG pass incomplete to Coffey, Sean.
Mu 2-10at Mu40Smith, Brad rush left for 7 yards to the MU47 (Clarke Moore).
Mu 3-3at Mu47Nash, Damien rush left for 12 yards to the AR41, 1ST DOWN MU (Tony Bua;Keith Jackson).
Mu 1-10at Ar41Smith, Brad DL pass incomplete to Coffey, Sean.
Mu 2-10at Ar41Smith, Brad rush left for 9 yards to the AR32 (Arrion Dixon).
Mu 3-1at Ar32Timeout Missouri, clock 01:48.
Mu 3-1at Ar32PENALTY MU substitution infraction (Coffey, Sean) 5 yards to the AR37.
Mu 3-6at Ar37Smith, Brad SG pass complete to Omboga, Thomson for 11 yards to the AR26, 1ST DOWN MU (Caleb Miller).
Mu 1-10at Ar26Abron, Zack rush up middle for 11 yards to the AR15, 1ST DOWN MU (Tony Bua).
Mu 1-10at Ar15Abron, Zack rush up middle for 10 yards to the AR5, 1ST DOWN MU (Jimmy Beasley).
Mu 1-Gat Ar05Smith, Brad rush left for 5 yards to the AR0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:39.
Matheny, Mike kick attempt good.
Arkansas 24, Missouri 14
Drive: 12 plays, 70 yards, TOP 04:42
Matheny, Mike kickoff 61 yards to the AR4, D. Birmingham return 39 yards to the AR43 (Mitchell, Shird).
Ar 1-10at Ar43ARKANSAS drive start at 00:39.
Ar 1-10at Ar43Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for 3 yards to the AR46 (Harrington, Ded).
Drive: 1 plays, 3 yards, TOP 02:42
Arkansas 24, Missouri 14
4th Quarter

Ar 2-7at Ar46Start of 4th quarter, clock 15:00.
Ar 2-7at Ar46Matt Jones PR pass incomplete to Kyle Dickerson.
Ar 3-7at Ar46D. Birmingham rush left for 40 yards to the MU14, 1ST DOWN AR (Simpson, Jason).
Ar 1-10at Mu14Matt Jones PL pass incomplete to Jason Peters (Kincade, A.J.).
Ar 2-10at Mu14Matt Jones rush SC for 6 yards to the MU8 (Bell, Russ;Simpson, Jason).
Ar 3-4at Mu08Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for 2 yards to the MU6 (Barnes, Brandon).
Ar 4-2at Mu06Chris Balseiro field goal attempt from 24 GOOD, clock 12:57.
Arkansas 27, Missouri 14
Drive: 7 plays, 51 yards, TOP 02:42
David Carlton kickoff 40 yards to the MU25, Ming, Derrick return -3 yards to the MU22, fumble by Ming, Derrick recovered by MU TEAM at MU22.
Mu 1-10at Mu22MISSOURI drive start at 12:57.
Mu 1-10at Mu22Smith, Brad PR pass complete to Coffey, Sean for 10 yards to the MU32, 1ST DOWN MU, out-of-bounds (L. Richardson).
Mu 1-10at Mu32Abron, Zack rush up middle for 7 yards to the MU39 (Jeremy Harrell).
Mu 2-3at Mu39Abron, Zack rush up middle for 2 yards to the MU41 (Jeb Huckeba).
Mu 3-1at Mu41Smith, Brad rush quarterback sneak for 1 yard to the MU42, 1ST DOWN MU (Caleb Miller).
Mu 1-10at Mu42Smith, Brad SGL pass incomplete to Coffey, Sean.
Mu 2-10at Mu42Smith, Brad rush up middle for 1 yard to the MU43 (Caleb Miller).
Mu 3-9at Mu43Smith, Brad middle pass complete to Droege, Rob for loss of 9 yards to the MU34.
Mu 4-18at Mu34Harvey, Brock punt BLOCKED, recovered by MU Strom, Zach at MU35 (blocked by Tom Crowder).
Drive: 7 plays, 12 yards, TOP 02:46
Ar 1-10at Mu35ARKANSAS drive start at 10:11.
Ar 1-10at Mu35C. Washington PR pass incomplete to D. Birmingham (Curry, Terrence).
Ar 2-10at Mu35D. Birmingham rush right for 1 yard to the MU34 (Bell, Russ;Smith, Brian).
Ar 3-9at Mu34D. Birmingham rush right for 1 yard to the MU33 (Barnes, Brandon).
Ar 4-8at Mu33PENALTY AR delay of game 5 yards to the MU38.
Ar 4-13at Mu38Jacob Skinner punt 37 yards to the MU1, downed.
Drive: 3 plays, minus 3 yards, TOP 01:40
Mu 1-10at Mu01MISSOURI drive start at 08:31.
Mu 1-10at Mu01Smith, Brad PL pass complete to Coffey, Sean for 31 yards to the MU32, 1ST DOWN MU, out-of-bounds.
Mu 1-10at Mu32Smith, Brad PR pass incomplete to Omboga, Thomson.
Mu 2-10at Mu32Smith, Brad SGR pass complete to Omboga, Thomson for 12 yards to the MU44, 1ST DOWN MU (Eddie Jackson;Caleb Miller).
Mu 1-10at Mu44Smith, Brad rush up middle for 24 yards to the AR32, 1ST DOWN MU (Jimmy Beasley).
Mu 1-10at Ar32Nash, Damien rush right for 12 yards to the AR20, 1ST DOWN MU (Jimmy Beasley).
Mu 1-10at Ar20Timeout Arkansas, clock 07:12.
Mu 1-10at Ar20Smith, Brad SGR pass incomplete to Coffey, Sean.
Mu 2-10at Ar20Smith, Brad rush right for 7 yards to the AR13 (Marvin Jackson).
Mu 3-3at Ar13Abron, Zack rush up middle for 1 yard to the AR12 (Caleb Miller).
Mu 4-2at Ar12Abron, Zack rush left for 3 yards to the AR9, 1ST DOWN MU (Richard Smith).
Mu 1-Gat Ar09Smith, Brad PL pass incomplete to Ekwerekwu, Brad.
Mu 2-Gat Ar09Smith, Brad rush up middle for no gain to the AR9 (Justin Scott;Keith Jackson).
Mu 3-Gat Ar09Smith, Brad SGR pass incomplete to Outlaw, Darius (Caleb Miller).
Mu 4-Gat Ar09Smith, Brad rush up middle for 1 yard to the AR8 (Keith Jackson), PENALTY MU illegal forward pass (Smith, Brad) 5 yards to the AR13.
Drive: 13 plays, 86 yards, TOP 03:52
Ar 1-10at Ar13ARKANSAS drive start at 04:39, 1st and 10.
Ar 1-10at Ar13Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for 8 yards to the AR21 (Simpson, Jason).
Ar 2-2at Ar21Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for 10 yards to the AR31, 1ST DOWN AR (Wade, Quincy).
Ar 1-10at Ar31Matt Jones rush up middle for 24 yards to the MU45, 1ST DOWN AR (Simpson, Jason;Mosley, C.J.).
Ar 1-10at Mu45Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for 2 yards to the MU43 (Simpson, Jason;Barnes, Brandon).
Ar 2-8at Mu43Cedric Cobbs rush up middle for 2 yards to the MU41 (Mosley, C.J.).
Ar 3-6at Mu41Cedric Cobbs rush left for loss of 2 yards to the MU43 (Ville, Zach;Harrington, Ded).
Ar 4-8at Mu43Timeout Arkansas, clock 00:44.
Ar 4-8at Mu43Timeout Arkansas, clock 00:44.
Ar 4-8at Mu43Jacob Skinner punt 31 yards to the MU12, James, Marcus return -2 yards to the MU10 (Richard Smith).
Drive: 6 plays, 44 yards, TOP 04:06
Mu 1-10at Mu10MISSOURI drive start at 00:33.
Mu 1-10at Mu10Abron, Zack rush up middle for 12 yards to the MU22, 1ST DOWN MU (John Jackson;Caleb Miller).
Mu 1-10at Mu22Abron, Zack rush right for 2 yards to the MU24 (Caleb Miller).
Mu 2-8at Mu24End of game, clock 00:00.
Drive: 2 plays, 14 yards, TOP 00:33
Arkansas 27, Missouri 14

Play Breakdown Summary

Play Breakdown Summary (Final)
2003 Arkansas Razorbacks Football
Arkansas vs Missouri (Dec 31, 2003 at Shreveport, La.)

Arkansas                               Missouri

Down               RUN PASS  Total     Down               RUN PASS  Total

OVERALL..........   47   18     65     OVERALL..........   48   32     80
1ST DOWN.........   19    9     28     1ST DOWN.........   21   15     36
2ND DOWN-SHORT...    6    0      6     2ND DOWN-SHORT...    4    1      5
2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    2    4      6     2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    2    1      3
2ND DOWN-LONG....    6    3      9     2ND DOWN-LONG....   10    5     15
3RD DOWN-SHORT...    4    0      4     3RD DOWN-SHORT...    3    1      4
3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    3    0      3     3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    3    1      4
3RD DOWN-LONG....    5    2      7     3RD DOWN-LONG....    1    6      7
4TH DOWN.........    2    0      2     4TH DOWN.........    4    2      6

Arkansas                               Missouri

Formation        RUN PASS  Total       Formation        RUN PASS  Total

...............   47   18     65       ...............   48   32     80

Arkansas (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (19 RUN, 9 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-10 H22 #32 14 [ ] left 1-10 V46 #9 to #84 13 [ ] up middle 1-10 H41 #4 41 [ ] left 1-10 H14 #9 to #80 - [ ] PL 1-10 V34 #4 7 [ ] left 1-8 H08 #9 to #88 2 [ ] PL 1-10 H15 #4 4 [ ] left 1-10 V29 #10 to #88 17 [ ] PL 1-3 H03 #26 2 [ ] up middle 1-10 H41 #9 to # - [ ] PL 1-10 V13 #4 8 [ ] up middle 1-10 H35 #16 to #32 - [ ] PR 1-10 V12 #4 3 [ ] up middle 1-10 V01 #9 to #8 16 [ ] PR 1-10 V46 #4 9 [ ] up middle 1-10 V23 #9 to #88 6 [ ] PR 1-10 H45 #4 2 [ ] up middle 1-10 H34 #9 to #4 7 [ ] SC 1-10 V43 #4 3 [ ] up middle 1-10 V09 #4 6 [ ] up middle 1-10 H23 #4 -1 [ ] up middle 1-10 H46 #4 4 [ ] up middle 1-10 H28 #4 6 [ ] up middle 1-10 V31 #9 24 [ ] up middle 1-10 V17 #4 9 [ ] right 1-10 V40 #4 -1 [ ] right 1-10 V21 #9 19 [ ] right 1-10 H37 #16 -2 [ ] reverse 2ND-SHORT RUN (6 RUN, 0 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-1 H01 #26 0 [ ] up middle 2-2 V21 #4 10 [ ] up middle 2-1 V26 #4 8 [ ] up middle 2-3 H27 #4 5 [ ] up middle 2-1 H45 #4 0 [ ] up middle 2-3 V41 #32 5 [ ] right 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (2 RUN, 4 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-4 V15 #32 6 [ ] left 2-4 H22 #9 to #84 - [ ] up middle 2-6 H06 #32 -2 [ ] left 2-4 V29 #9 to #84 - [ ] PL 2-6 H11 #9 to #88 - [ ] PL 2-6 H42 #9 to #8 5 [ ] SH 2ND-LONG RUN (6 RUN, 3 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-7 V15 #4 0 [ ] up middle 2-12 H39 #10 to #80 11 [ ] up middle 2-8 H43 #4 2 [ ] up middle 2-7 V46 #9 to #29 - [ ] PR 2-10 H35 #32 1 [ ] right 2-11 H24 #10 to #8 8 [ ] PR 2-10 H41 #32 13 [ ] right 2-11 V39 #9 15 [ ] SC 2-10 H14 #9 6 [ ] SC 3RD-SHORT RUN (4 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3-1 H28 #4 0 [ ] up middle 3-1 H37 #4 3 [ ] up middle 3-1 H45 #4 8 [ ] up middle 3-1 H01 #9 1 [ ] right 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (3 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3-4 H22 #32 2 [ ] up middle 3-4 H08 #4 2 [ ] up middle 3-3 H16 #4 0 [ ] right 3RD-LONG RUN (5 RUN, 2 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 3-7 V46 #32 40 [ ] left 3-8 H08 #9 to #88 - [ ] PL 3-6 H41 #4 -2 [ ] left 3-6 H11 #9 to #80 - [ ] PR 3-7 V15 #9 0 [ ] up middle 3-9 H34 #32 1 [ ] right 3-14 V19 #9 9 [ ] SC 4TH DOWN RUN (2 RUN, 0 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS 4-1 H28 #4 5 [ ] up middle 4-2 H20 #32 5 [ ] PL
Missouri (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (21 RUN, 15 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-5 V05 #16 5 [ ] left 1-10 V24 #19 to #38 INT [ ] 1-15 H26 #2 4 [ ] left 1-10 V41 #16 to #12 - [ ] DL 1-10 H30 #2 3 [ ] left 1-10 H47 #16 to #3 19 [ ] up middle 1-10 H44 #16 24 [ ] up middle 1-10 H01 #16 to #12 31 [ ] PL 1-10 H50 #2 2 [ ] up middle 1-10 V49 #16 to #3 - [ ] PL 1-10 V12 #2 7 [ ] up middle 1-9 V09 #16 to #86 - [ ] PL 1-10 V15 #38 10 [ ] up middle 1-10 V46 #16 to #87 3 [ ] PL 1-6 V06 #38 1 [ ] up middle 1-10 V21 #16 to #98 4 [ ] PL 1-10 H32 #38 7 [ ] up middle 1-10 H20 #16 to #12 - [ ] PR 1-10 H46 #38 42 [ ] up middle 1-10 H22 #16 to #12 10 [ ] PR 1-10 V26 #38 11 [ ] up middle 1-10 H14 #16 to #38 1 [ ] PR 1-10 H10 #38 12 [ ] up middle 1-10 H32 #16 to #87 - [ ] PR 1-10 H34 #38 0 [ ] PL 1-10 H40 #16 to #12 - [ ] SG 1-10 H30 #16 9 [ ] quarterback draw 1-10 H42 #16 to #12 - [ ] SGL 1-10 V23 #16 6 [ ] right 1-10 V20 #16 to #12 - [ ] SGR 1-10 V32 #2 12 [ ] right 1-10 H31 #38 7 [ ] right 1-1 V01 #38 1 [ ] right 1-10 H22 #38 2 [ ] right 1-10 V34 #38 8 [ ] right 1-10 V42 #16 0 [ ] SC 2ND-SHORT RUN (4 RUN, 1 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-3 H38 #16 20 [ ] up middle 2-2 V26 #16 to #87 5 [ ] PR 2-1 H39 #16 -3 [ ] up middle 2-3 V05 #2 4 [ ] up middle 2-3 H39 #38 2 [ ] up middle 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (2 RUN, 1 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-4 V17 #2 11 [ ] left 2-5 V05 #16 to #98 - [ ] up middle 2-6 V17 #38 5 [ ] up middle 2ND-LONG RUN (10 RUN, 5 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-10 H40 #16 7 [ ] left 2-7 V43 #16 to #87 4 [ ] up middle 2-10 V41 #16 9 [ ] left 2-10 H20 #16 to #1 9 [ ] PL 2-10 V42 #38 19 [ ] left 2-10 H34 #16 to #12 12 [ ] PR 2-10 H42 #16 1 [ ] up middle 2-8 V48 #16 to #87 0 [ ] PR 2-9 V09 #16 0 [ ] up middle 2-10 H32 #16 to #87 12 [ ] SGR 2-10 V20 #16 7 [ ] right 2-11 H30 #2 5 [ ] right 2-10 V49 #38 6 [ ] right 2-9 H15 #16 7 [ ] SC 2-17 H23 #16 4 [ ] SGL 3RD-SHORT RUN (3 RUN, 1 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3-1 V12 #38 0 [ ] up middle 3-2 H22 #16 to #1 - [ ] PL 3-1 H41 #16 1 [ ] quarterback sneak 3-1 H29 #16 2 [ ] quarterback sneak 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (3 RUN, 1 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3-3 H47 #2 12 [ ] left 3-3 V39 #16 to #3 - [ ] PR 3-4 V43 #16 0 [ ] up middle 3-3 V13 #38 1 [ ] up middle 3RD-LONG RUN (1 RUN, 6 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 3-5 V05 #16 4 [ ] left 3-8 V48 #16 to # SACK [ ] 3-6 H35 #16 to #12 15 [ ] up middle 3-9 H43 #16 to #76 -9 [ ] up middle 3-13 H27 #16 to #87 13 [ ] SG 3-6 V37 #16 to #87 11 [ ] SG 3-9 V09 #16 to #3 - [ ] SGR 4TH DOWN RUN (4 RUN, 2 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS 4-16 H44 #TM -41 [ ] 4-1 V01 #16 to #21 INT [ ] 4-2 V12 #38 3 [ ] left 4-3 V39 #16 to #87 15 [ ] PR 4-9 V09 #16 1 [ ] up middle 4-1 V12 #38 0 [ ] PR