Razorback Spotlight: Baye Fall

What is something you have learned about Razorback basketball history? We got a ‘Chip in ‘94

What is something you have learned about Razorback athletics history? It’s a winning program

What is your favorite sport other than basketball? Soccer

What is your favorite video game? FIFA

What really makes you happy? The outdoors (parks, woods, etc)

What is something people find interesting about you? I speak 11 languages/dialects including French (the official language of Sengal), Wolof (the second-most spoken language in Sengal), English, Spanish and German as well as dialects Pulaar (the language of his Mom’s tribe), Senegal Jola-Fonyi, Mandinka, Mandjak, Serer and Soninke.

Who is the most inspiring person you know? My Mom because she always gets it done

Favorite superhero and why? Black Panther and the story behind it

If you could visit anywhere, where would it be? Italy

What motivates you to be your best? My Family

What is a prized possession you brought from home? A piece of cloth from her dress she gave me

Outside of basketball, what skill would you like to learn? Mountain Biking

What is something you enjoy that would surprise most people? Riding by bike

Must watch TV? Family Guy

What have you done or who have you met that would impress the 10-year-old you? I was a McDonald’s All-American

What do you miss most from home? The beach

What is your favorite place to eat? STK Steakhouse in Denver

What is a pet peeve of yours? Clothes all over the place

If you won the lottery, what charity or organization would you most like to help and why? Any that supports blind people

What’s your favorite go-to snack? Kit Kat

What’s something you’ll never eat? Pork

If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be? Kevin Durant

If you could go on a date with a celebrity, who would it be? SZA