Welcome To The Neighborhood With Macy Weaver
The 2017-18 Razorback women’s basketball season is just around the corner and there are a lot of great things going on at Arkansas.
We have hired a new coaching staff and we welcome several new players to our roster as we move into this season. Who are these players? Where do they come from and what things do they like?
This is the third in a series of “Welcome To The Neighborhood” features as we introduce our newcomers and learn more about our returners.
Up next, freshman Macy Weaver.
• Who would you most like to play HORSE with and why?
I would play horse with my high school coach Bob Mellon just to show him who’s boss!
• When did you start playing basketball?
I started playing basketball when I was in the fourth grade.
• What is your major and what are your career plans after college?
I’m undecided, but I have a few interests like educating children, criminal justice, and horticulture.
• What is your favorite basketball drill?
By far, my favorite drill is speed shooting, It’s where two people take a jump shot while the other takes a layup. You have three minutes to get as many points as you can.
• What are you most excited about in coming to Arkansas?
I’m most excited about experiencing the southern culture, and of course to be a Razorback!
• What kind of teammate are you?
I’m the kind of teammate who is encouraging, loyal, and someone that you can always depend on.
• Do you have a pregame ritual that you do before games?
Before almost every game my assistant high school coach Bob Mellon would grab my head and tell me, “don’t suck.”
• Is there a significance to your jersey number?
The number 30 was one of the first numbers I started with, so I stuck with it!
• What is something in your locker that would surprise people?
Someone would be surprised that I always have an eyelash curler in my locker.
• What are some of your goals at Arkansas?
My goals are to always stay motivated, be successful, and always play hard and give it my all.
• What is the first thing you would do if you were the head coach of a basketball team?
If I were head coach of a basketball team, I would get the kids started on fundamentals, form shooting and stationary dribbling skills.
• What are 1-2 things you would tell your younger self?
Live up the little moments as much as you can and never to give up on what you believe in.
• What would you name the autobiography of your life and why?
The name of the autobiography of my life would be called, “My Life In a Short World.”
• What was the last experience that made you a stronger person?
Going through the recruiting process, knowing what I really want in life. If I want it bad enough I always have to work hard to make it possible.
Parents Names: Teri and Brent Weaver
Siblings Names and Ages: Older brother Tyler and younger brother Will – and a dog named Wrigley
Birthday: May 28
What is your favorite food? | Steak
What’s the #1 most played song on your phone? | “Stitches” by Shawn Mendes
What is one of your favorite quotes? | “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow”
What is your favorite book? | “Pride and Prejudice”
What is your favorite movie? | Dodgeball – “If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball”
What is your favorite class/subject to study? | Physics and horticulture