Grace Rugger - Spirit Squads - Arkansas Razorbacks

Grace Rugger

Pom | Sr. | Bentonville, Ark. | Bentonville High School | Infiniti Dance Company

Year in School: Senior

Year on the Team: Fourth Year

Major: Public Health, Pre-Occupational Therapy Concentration

How Long Have You Been Dancing? 16 years

Accolades: 2x Arkansas high school dance state champion, high honors high school graduate, community service excellence awards

Hobbies Outside of Dance:Fitness instructor at Zen Studio, biking and hiking, spending time with friends and her dog Maxine, reading, and working at Camp Ozark during summer

Why did you choose the University of Arkansas?
“I grew up attending Arkansas sporting events and this place has truly always felt like home. After attending clinics for the spirit program and making trips to Fayetteville my senior year of High School, I had immense peace about the U of A providing the rich community, experience, and opportunity I had been desiring.”

Grace was born in Little Rock, Arkansas and is the daughter of Steve and Rhonda Rugger.