Razorback Spotlight: Jeremiah Davenport
What is something you have learned about Razorback basketball history? We have a history of making the NCAA
What is something you have learned about Razorback athletics history? It’s a big-time place to compete at
What is your favorite sport other than basketball? Football
What is your favorite video game and who do you like playing video games against the most? Madden with Khalif
What really makes you happy? God, music, my dog, my friends and waking up
Who is the most inspiring person you know and why? My father, he has taught me so much
Favorite superhero and why? The Hulk, he just doesn’t care
If you could visit anywhere, where would it be? Jerusalem
What motivates you to be your best? Having the chance to fail in life. My future family and my current family
Outside of basketball, what skill would you like to learn? Learn how to ski
Do you have any pets (names)? Dog (Audi)
What is something you enjoy that would surprise most people? I make music
Must watch movie? Polar Express
What have you done that would impress the 10-year-old you? Overcoming studdering problems
What do you miss most from home? My dog and Skyline Chili
What is your favorite place to eat? Skyline Chili or Waffle House
What is a pet peeve of yours? People smacking their lips while eating
If you won the lottery, who would you most like to help? I would help the poor and give back to people fighting cancer
What’s your favorite go-to snack? Fruit snacks
What’s something you’ll never eat (or eat again)? Cucumbers
If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be? Jennifer Lopez
If you could go on a date with a celebrity, who would it be? Jennifer Lopez