Sophia Iskenderoglu - Swimming & Diving - Arkansas Razorbacks

Sophia Iskenderoglu

Fr | 5-6 | Freestyle | Kayseri, Turkey | Selçuklu Anadolu Lisesi/ Yildiz Anadolu Lisesi/ Doga Koleji

As a Freshman (2023-24)

Swam to season-highs in both the 1000 Freestyle and 500 Freestyle at Stanford on 10/27… Finished 4th in the 1000 Free in 10:20.99 and 3th in the 500 Free in 5:04.04

Prior to Arkansas

Took second place in the Comen Cup 4 by 200 free relay… Won the 800 free in the Turkish club Races 16-17 age group… Dropped 21 seconds in the 800 freestyle in Turkish Nationals and also swam a personal-best of 4:20.30 in 400 free… Placed 6th in Bifin Swimming European Championships.

Reason for Choosing Arkansas

“I choose Arkansas because it provides you all the resources a student-athlete needs. Even seeing the facilities online was enough for me to understand that this is the right place for me. The moment you commit you become a member of this team and it becomes your family. Meeting the coaches and learning their coaching philosophies was an other reason I choose the University of Arkansas.”


Daughter of Orhan İskenderoğlu and Maria İskenderoğlu.